Why should you come to Helmsley Walled Garden? Well that might depend on what your interests are.
If you love beautiful gardens and enjoy a stroll through gorgeous herbaceous borders or differently themed feature gardens then this is the garden for you. Or perhaps you might like to sit surrounded by apple trees in the orchard and look across to Helmsley Castle.
If you are particularly interested in apples then we have over 100 different apple varieties including a special collection of Yorkshire apples. Some, like Api have been in Yorkshire since the twelfth century. Others, like Helmsley Market are more recent discoveries. They all have fascinating stories.
Or perhaps you are interested in kitchen gardens, or physic gardens that medieval monks would recognise, or clematis – we grow over 150 varieties, or iris or peonies. Maybe you just want to relax? well there are plenty of benches all around so that you can relax and enjoy the tranquil beauty of the garden.
Maybe you want a place to eat? You can bring a picnic to enjoy and we have a picnic lawn with views of the castle. We also have The Vine House Café which provides delicious drinks, cakes, light snacks and lunches. It’s a family affair run by the brother and sister team of Sam and Mollie Chapman. Fully licenced, they have some incredible gin cocktails created with a variety of craft gins from Yorkshire.
For anyone who loves plants, this is a beautifully planted and fully accessible garden. Our 100m double herbaceous borders hit their peak in August but there is always something to see from apple blossom in April, tulips, irises and the Laburnum Arch in May, through to apple harvest starting in August and on to the autumn glow of the Hot Border in October and our Apple Weekend celebrating the nation’s favourite fruit.
Our plant centre stocks a range of plants of which many are grown here and The Garden Shop sells beautiful gifts made here in Yorkshire.
We welcome groups of fifteen or more. Rates are £7.50 per person for entrance only. Entrance and a guided tour costs £10.00 per person.
If you are interested in offering something a little more bespoke, we provide the opportunity for exclusive access and tours of the garden on a Tuesday throughout the season. Your tour will be the only people in the garden and they will have the chance to met some of our garden volunteers, have a tour and then enjoy coffee or tea and cake in The Vine House Café.
The cost of exclusive access - entrance and a tour plus morning coffee or afternoon tea and home-baked cakes is £20.00 per head.