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An Ever-Growing Source of content!
WeWantGroups.com delivers an array of priceless content into increasingly digital-based lives. Within the Travel Trade Market, trade professionals are swiftly looking beyond the market-staple printed publications in favour of looking for online content and facilities. A rapidly increasing number of people no longer buy or subscribe to printed magazines at all and are actively adapting to digital platforms or already use them as a staple.
At present, more and more attractions and venues are focussing their efforts into digital marketing rather than print. To that end, WeWantGroups.com is the ideal hub to find all of the most up to date Travel Trade information, and to seek out who is looking to welcome your groups!
In short, you can find what you want, where you want, and when you want, in just a few clicks!
Why is weWantGroups.com so unique?
WeWantGroups.com combines world-class design features and presentation, expert reporting on Travel Trade news, along with extensive information on events, venues, days out, weekend experiences, where to go, what to see and where to stay. The overall aim being to give inspiration, advice and the know-how to turn your group dreams into reality!
By way of our state-of-the-art digital platform, we give you content which will inform and entertain, and take you to destinations you may or may not already know, with insights that will turn your visits into a lifetime of memories!
With clearly signposted sections throughout the site, a HUGE directory of attractions, you will truly have the UK’s and Ireland’s Travel Trade Market at your fingertips!
It is with profound pride and excitement that we can announce that WeWantGroups.com is now a full member of the UKinbound association.
Given our intentions to further expand our reach into the overseas groups market and promote UK tourism, we are immensely excited about the opportunities this membership can provide us with. UKInbound’s tireless work throughout the lockdowns and ever since was and is nothing short of admirable, along with their willingness to take on restrictive government policies in order to remove barriers and promote a healthier tourism sector for the country. They are also keen to promote sustainable tourism, which is one of our primary objectives also.
For more info on UKInbound, check out their website here – www.ukinbound.org

WeWantGroups.com is a proud member of AGTO –
the Association of Group Travel Organisers.
AGTO is an independent organisation representing the interests of those who organise tours and trips for groups (Group Travel Organiser – GTO) as well as those who provide services for group travel. Established in 1991, AGTO membership includes more than 450 group travel organisers and over 250 travel and tourism industry suppliers. Our supplier members, across all sectors of the industry, support our GTOs with planning, organising day trips, short breaks, and short or long holidays, both domestically & internationally, as well as offering exclusive familiarisation trips and educationals.
Click adjacent logo to visit their website.